so many memories and events happened for the past 16 years and none was recorded. all I have are like a few pictures and letters maybe. i was a person who never hold on to the past i guess. almost everything happened last time; i couldn't recall any. only significant ones like ndp, some camps and that's it. SO THEREFORE, since its a start of a brand new journey for me, I've set a few rules for myself. i'm gonna discipline myself to start living more organise and hahahahahahhaha try to blog every Friday or whenever i feel like it. since having my own laptop now is so much convenient for me to blog, so why not kan? the number one thing that stops me from blogging is usually pasal i malas nak wait for the laptop to load and my English sucks.
reading other people's blogging in like perfect English make me cringe A LOT. i mean like woah, mine is like nothing compared to them. but since ahahahahahh I've been speaking a lot of English nowadays so, why not train my writing right? HEH
and ok last. i'm never gonna tell anybody about this blog yet till i learn how to use photoshop and edit my own blogskin and make it look like some hipster's blog. jadi, i'm basically talking to myself.
this is the end to the first post and many more to come.