Monday, 15 April 2013

#3 // First

first day of school was, okay. really thought that I was late and that cause me to panic and when I panic there are no butterflies in my stomach but I sweat like lahsqieydsyqw. I hate it when I sweat a lot like seriously A LOT. I mean, who don't right?

so anw, started off with some talks and was introduced the 'Fibonacci Cryptex'. honestly, I may sound like a nerd, but I think its cool like learning past inventions and all. like it was those past inventions that help in the building blocks of todays' technology. okayla next, got some talk on safety and went to our individual classes. oh wait, there was General Education, Gen Ed for short, before the talks. I find it pretty interesting but the part where we have to talk in front to everybody kinda makes me nervous for future classes.

class was okay since all we had to do was practical stuff, which i'm alright with. so that's it for day 1, which ends at 530 and same goes for day 2. idek why I am so tired today. my body must totalllllllllly buck up man.

wanted to end off this post with a picture of the disassembled radio I did today but I have no idea how to upload it. zzzzzzz I'm still a noob in blogging okay.

I have an interview for ocip on Wednesday and I honestly don't know why I signed up but takpe, my philosophy for this week: #DONTSCAREDGOJE
