Wednesday, 17 April 2013

#4 // KENTAL

i like what i'm doing right now, i mean, when i'm in class. got into class, settle down, draw and that's it. i thought i was in an art school, period. even though class starts at 8 and ends at 5.30, it was pretty okay for me since i just had to draw and draw and draw with my laptop on and JRA was on the playlist. but it was definitely rather difficult for me to produce a good sketch since it's like been ages since i drew. i was rather intimidated when i went around and saw some had reaaaaally good sketches and mine is like meh. very discouraged. butitsokay, slowly but surely, i can do this.

the radio that i had to dismantle on day 1

so with all this pieces, my group had to choose 34 parts and construct a structure. it's kinda hard working in a team when there's no cooperation and communication at all. ugh. really glad that I is in my group, or else.

pretty cool, i think hahhahahahahahha
not looking forward to tommorow cos there's presentation in front of the whole darch year ones and then theres APEX. and i'm supakental pasal i ended up skipping the interview, because, imma chicken